You need to take a step in your life, to find yourself to renew your relationships with others or with yourself ?
Do you want to make sense of your experience or find a taste for life?
Treatments in Symbolic Medicine© are regularly given by practitioners of the method during consultations or during training.
What is a treatment in Symbolic Medicine ?
Carefulness refers to a process of becoming aware of a situation experienced or felt through its spiritual dimension. Using the dowsing rods, the practitioner in Symbolic Medicine lets “speak the invisible” around the person who consults. Habitat and the environment play an important role in this process.
Thanks to the indications of the dowsing rods and questions of the practitioner, the subject becomes aware of the existence of one or more problems and its causes. This awareness is at the heart of the care, where the practitioner helps his patient to interpret the symbols and events attached to it

Consultations are provided by experienced practitioners, members of the Union of Practitioners in Symbolic Medicine (SPMS). Symbolic Medicine carefulness does not replace traditional carefulness. Our methods are complementary because they aim to help and support traditional techniques (physical care for the body, psychotherapeutic care for the mind) by bringing meaning to a pathology or a problem.
“ Detect and interpret symbols to restore harmonious functioning in humans ”